Associació USkBCN

USk BCN to USk Portugal

Hello Sketchers Portugal !
In the last few years following the simposium in Barcelona in 2013 the urban sketchers Barcelona community has grown considerably.
Following a meeting on 31rst January many of us feel we need to change the way we operate to develop our activities and the sketchers’habilities, welcome new members, and organise events with a social impact towards the wider community.

We have therefore launched the process of creating an association and we would be very grateful if you could share with us the way you have proceeded in founding USK Portugal association.
We would be particularly interested in the debates you will have had around the decision making process, membership fees and advantages as well as any main points you believe we should pay particular attention to. If you could share your statutes with us it would be really useful, any input from you would be greatly appreciated.
We can be reached at our email but we could also organise a video call or even try and meet.
We will have our next meeting in April when we hope to have enough material to present to and discuss with the group.
Hoping for your help and advice, we thank you in advance,

Best to all Portugal Sketchers !

USK Barcelona administrators.