Vincent Desplanche

Vincent Desplanche is a freelance illustrator, from Toulousse, France. He draws everything his eyes can catch, but mountains are his favorite subject. His sketchbooks sometimes inspire woodcuts using the traditional Japanese engraving technique. He's also is one of the correspondents of the Urban Sketchers movement in France, has been instructor and correspondent in International USk Symposiums and gives sketching and drawing workshops regularly in Toulousse as well as being one of the organizers of "Carnet d'Alpage".

Workshop: Lines, shapes, surfaces and space

Who has never wanted, during a trip, or simply in front of a beautiful landscape, to take a pencil or a brush to write it down on the pages of a notebook? From the first line or the first stain, the memory is imprinted, the story begins to tell itself.

This workshop offers you a journey from line to form, and from surface to space.

Learning goals

  • Synchronize the hand and the eye
  • Discover writings
  • Force yourself to look
  • See simple shapes
  • Make more graphic sketches
  • Master values
  • draw the space in 3 dimensions
  • Learn to break down objets
  • Simplify
Saturday, March 15th, 10 to 13 - Morning workshop: W6 (M) - Vincent Desplanche
Saturday, March 15th, 16 to 19 -  Afternoon workshop: W6 (T) - Vincent Desplanche
Workshop's Languages: French (English/Spanish)
Location: to be determined